Trunk-or-Treat at Columbia Square Apartments

Karis has been blessed with a new opportunity to serve our neighborhood on October 30th! Columbia Square Apartments is a housing complex located directly behind Karis Westside, and their management has asked Karis to assist with their Trunk-or-Treat event from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. that day. This is a great way to serve approximately 150 kids that live right behind our church building.

Karis has agreed to provide hamburgers and hot dogs. In addition, we are looking for 21 volunteers willing to decorate the trunk/hatchback/truck bed of their vehicle and pass out candy to the children living in the complex. Volunteers are welcome to bring their children to participate in the Trunk-or-Treat if they are serving at the event. Will you help us serve our neighbors and register as a volunteer today?

Rachelle Cox