Let's Talk About Sex, Baby


Last week, I took my son Kylen, now 7, on what we called "Man Trip 2014." We went over to KC, visited the Cheesecake Factory (where we vomited on the way out), hung out in LegoLand (warning: buy your tickets in ADVANCE), and talked about sex. Yes, we had the talk. With each of our kids, we've tried to make a special event of it. I took Hadley to see the Tigers smash the Illini in the dome a few years back. Amy took sweet Melia on a fun excursion, as well. And we had the talk. Yes, with kids that are 6 to 7 years old. If you think that's too early, I'm not afraid to tell you that you're wrong. Period. Do you want your kids to hear it from you? Or from the kids at school? Perhaps from a picture or video on one of their phones? Beyond that, don't you want them to hear about the beauty and joy and purpose of sex? About its goodness as part of God's creation? About His design for it in marriage? I think you do. You don't have to go on a trip like this, but do it early. Answer their questions. Talk about how it's a gift and it's good, but it has to be controlled and protected.

This past week I found a terrific article from a stellar author on the Gospel Coalition site, Jen Wilkin. It's called "Help Your Kids Say No to Porn." You're welcome.

ArticlesKevin Larson