Filthy Rich


ticketschuckeRomans 10:12 will blow you away if you let it, if you really believe it. Paul writes, “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on Him.” Notice a few things:

First, God doesn’t play favorites. Jew or Greek, black or white, Asian or Hispanic – whoever you are – He is the Lord, demanding your worship and service. But He is more than that.

Second, God showers His riches. Contrary to some false teachers today, this isn’t a promise of material blessings. These are spiritual blessings. The Father pours out His grace, His karis. His children – whatever they look like or wherever they come from – have His favor.  

Third, God hears those who call. Those from any nation who receive these blessings are those who trust Him. In particular, they are those who call on, and trust in, the person and work of His Son, Jesus (Rom. 10:9). He gives to the needy, to the humble, who own their unworthiness and sin and call out for the forgiveness only Jesus brings.

Those who cry out in desperation – no matter who they are – receive riches. Riches! Our Father doesn’t hold back. He desires to show us the “immeasurable riches of His grace” (Eph. 2:7). Immeasurable! He gives us “according to” His riches (Eph. 1:7). That means He doesn’t just drop a coin in our bucket. He throws in His checkbook. He lavishes His goodness and mercy upon us (Eph. 1:8). Lavishes! It’s like the ticket machine my kids were in last night at Chuck-E-Cheese, but better. Seen one of those? There is “money” everywhere for the grabbing. The switch gets flipped, the tickets get thrown around, you grab all you can. Friends, the Father throws blessings at us. But those aren’t elusive. They aren’t limited. The switch never gets turned off.

By grace, through faith, in Christ, we are filthy rich. Filthy, stinking rich. Revel in that truth today.

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