On Serving and Community


Bobby Schembre preached this past Sunday in Karis Church on service from Romans 12. If you haven't heard it, definitely check it out. In the message, he appealed to those who weren't serving to dive in and give of themselves to Christ's church. That led me to reflect on the countless conversations I've had across restaurant tables with Karis Church guests. Almost all of them have said two specific things as they've talked about themselves and our church. First, they long for deep community and see it present in our midst. Second, they desire to throw themselves into the church and serve. If I had a dime for every person or couple who said, "We're people who really want to get involved," and never did, and are nowhere to be found, well, you know. I wouldn't be driving this clunker with the "check engine" light on. I've observed people keeping their distance, never really jumping in and serving. They're spectators. I've seen people complaining from afar, jawing about how they haven't seen this community. They're critics. Could it be possible that service and community are related? Could it be that by throwing yourself in and serving that you might come to experience that fellowship for which you deeply long? Most people wait until they experience the community before they invest in service. Neither day generally comes. Perhaps community is found as you're washing feet, holding infants, raking leaves, or plugging in XLR cables. Dive in. Pour yourself out. You'll be filled up, I'm certain. Community is found in the midst of the mission.