Karis Marriage Class


The second of four marriage classes that Karis will be teaching over the next few months  will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 14, at 606 Ridgeway Avenue. Taught by Karis elders, the remaining three sessions will be held once a month. Both engaged and married couples may attend. Couples desiring to be married by Karis elders must attend all four of these classes and will have additional counseling sessions with a Karis elder and his wife. Here’s the remaining class schedule:

    • October 14 – Different by Design for the Gospel: Biblical Roles, Gender Differences (Matthew Ballou)
    • November 4 – Applying the Gospel through Communication & Conflict (Kevin Larson)
    • December 9 – Applying the Gospel in Money & Sex (Ryan Worley)


Remember, if you’re getting married at Karis, you must attend all four classes. Anyone interested in joining the marriage class should contact Brooke Danielsen on The City or at brookedanielsen@gmail.com to get signed up and get the syllabus with reading assignments.

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