Be "Set Free" with Us


Join us in Karis Church as we take an extended look at the book of Exodus. Through Christ, we can be "Set Free." Here's our summary sentence for the book:

We are set free through Jesus from bondage for life to worship by God's grace and for His glory.

That sentence seeks to express the three parts of the book. First, we looked at the "from bondage" part together. We saw how the Lord freed His people from bondage in Egypt. We looked at how we are now freed through Christ from our chains to sin. Second, this past year, we considered the "for life" part. We saw that redemption is meant to bring us into a life where everything is done coram deo (before God's face). That's where life can truly and only be found. However, we fail in living up to God's standards. That life was won for us through Christ's perfect obedience. His death paid for our disobedience, as well. Third, beginning this summer, we'll look at the third section. All of this was done by the Lord "for worship." God gives His people instructions for building a tabernacle. He desires to be present among His people, drawing near to them. He wants them to approach Him in reverence and awe, as well. This tabernacle points ahead to Jesus coming to dwell among us. The sacrifices that take place inside that place of worship point ahead to His once-for-all, perfect death for us. We can be restored in communion with our Lord. We can worship Him again through Jesus. Join us in Karis for "Set Free."