Karis Blog: A Night at Sol House

Each Karis Community Group has an area of ministry in the community.  This allows us to diversify, serving our city in a number of diverse ways.  My C-Group went and served this week at Sol House, a shelter for homeless teens.  It was a great night.  Karis member Tom Seagraves, who blogs here, had these words to say:

Shalom at Sol House

Last night my C-Group from Karis went over to the Sol House and had dinner with the teens that live there as part of our Shalom project. Sol House is a transitional living facility for homeless teens ages 16 to 21. It is operated by Rainbow House in Columbia. They are always looking for people to come over and spend time with the teens and to encourage them by teaching them life skills. We had a great time and we worked with them in cooking a great meal. We also worked with them after the meal in cleaning the kitchen, which the staff at Sol House appreciated. I feel like we connected well with the teens and we are looking forward to going back next month. I want to send a big shout out to Amy Larson for putting together a great meal plan and bringing all the stuff we needed for the meal. She did a great job with the planning and the prep.