Prayers from Psalm 42, Psalm 63

When I read these chapters, I quite often don't feel as if I relate to the prayers of the Psalmist.  Do you feel that way?  The answer isn't to try harder.  The response shouldn't be to despair.  We should ask God, even plead with Him, to do these things in us.  Here are some prayers from these two amazing Psalms. Psalm 42

1. Lord, help me to long for You, as an animal desires drink (v. 1).

2. Lord, help me to feel deep thirst for you (v. 2).

3. Help me long passionately to be in Your presence (v. 2).

4. Help me to feel sadness in my heart when I don't have suitable desires for you (v. 3).

5. Enable me to pour out my soul when I feel such dryness (v. 4).

6. Give me memories of closeness with You when I feel distant (v. 4).

7. Work in me, that I might hope in You and praise You (v. 5).

8. Allow me to sense Your presence in dry times, but may it lead me to pray for the opposite (v. 8).

Psalm 63

1. Give me a heart that seeks you earnestly (v. 1).

2. Help my soul to thirst for You (v. 1).

3. Help me to feel desperation without You (v. 1).

4. Turn my eyes to see you in Your glory (v. 2).

5. Enable me to see Your love as better than life (v. 3).

6. Enable me to praise and bless you in a way that affects my total person (v. 3-4).

7. Bring Your glory to mind, even at night, as I prepare to sleep (v. 6).

8. Help me to remember Your help (v. 7).

9. Help me to find great joy in Your loving protection (v. 7).

10. Enable me to cling to You (v. 8).

These are just a start from these two Psalms.  An encouragement: pray each of these prayers and then go back and ask for these things, and not their opposites (for example, clinging to self for #10 just above).

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