Hanging at Redeemer with the "other" Kevin (and Kris)

The past couple of days I spent time in KC on a personal pastoral retreat.  Numerous pastors have emphasized the importance of this.  I was actually listening to Sovereign Grace's recent leadership interview with Josh Harris and Jeff Purswell, on my drive there, and they emphasized this over and over.  It was a good time.  I got a good rate on a room from priceline.com and spent tons of time reading and praying on the Plaza.  I love Kansas City.  Because I was raised near there and have spent a lot of time there, it will always be a place I'm passionate about. One thing I'm particularly excited about is Redeemer Fellowship, a new church plant in the Westport area.  Kevin Cawley and Kris McGee are teaming up to launch this new work in perhaps the most important part of the city.  Through an amazing gift of providence, the Lord essentially gave them a building, the old First Calvary Baptist Church, which has an amazing auditorium I got to tour, and has tons of long-term potential as a campus.  I had breakfast with Kevin and Kris, my second time to hang with them, and then Kevin gave me a tour of their facility.  I am so encouraged by their vision for their city and their heart for the Lord.

If you are in KC or know anyone near there, send them to Redeemer.  The city has needed a congregation for young, "emerging" (theologicaly conservative, of course) types for some time.  It gives me great joy to have a place where I can enthusiastically refer them.  I also am excited to have some buddies in my other favorite city to hang with from time to time as I escape there.  We at Karis are excited to financially support them.  I'd encourage you to do the same.