He Is Not Silent - Questions for Discussion from Esther

This past Sunday, I wrapped up our series in Esther. I brought us back to the four main themes from the book I introduced our first week together. I shared four lies the Jews would have been prone to believe in their time of crisis in Persia. I demonstrated how those truths (and lies) are still so relevant today - and especially during this struggle of our own. Below are some discussion questions for your MC or DNA group this week as we finish up Esther.

  1. What would you say are specific struggles you are facing during this pandemic?

  2. Recap the story of Esther with your group. How do you think the Jews felt during this situation? How might you be able to relate to them during this season?

  3. Kevin gave four lies on Sunday that fit the four main themes in Esther (found below). Which lies are most tempting for you to believe? How do you see the fruit of them in your life?

  4. He also spoke of how crises like this are often God’s means to bring renewal in His church and world. Have you seen any signs of this? In you? Around you? If so, how? If the price of renewal in your life and our world came at the cost of great suffering for you, would it be worth it to you?

  5. What would you say the Lord is teaching you during this season? In what ways do you not want things to go back to “normal?”

  6. Spend some time praying for each other, based on how you’ve responded to these questions.

4 Lies and 4 Truths from Esther

Lie 1: He’s forgotten us.

Truth: God’s commitment to His people

Lie 2: He is absent.

Truth: The hidden providence of God

Lie 3: He will not care for us.

Truth: The calling of God’s people

Lie 4: He will not rescue us.

Truth: The hope of reversals