Two Opportunities to Serve Columbia

It may not feel like it, but we are officially six days into spring! The icy cold of the winter season slows us down in many ways, and certainly in the area of community service.  But new seasons bring new opportunities to serve, and in a city that has many needs there is always a way for Karis Church to volunteer within our city and show the love of Christ to our neighbors through faithful service, hard work, and new friendships.

Are you looking for ways to serve your Columbia neighbors this spring? There are two options available to you right now! 

Karis Church Easter Egg Hunt

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This Saturday morning, Karis Church will be hosting our very first Egg Hunting Event. In an attempt to include all kinds of local families, we will be offering two egg hunts at 9 AM and 10:30 AM, with the earlier event specifically reserved for children with special needs. While we expect that many Karis parents will be hunting for eggs with their children, we do ask you to consider serving as a volunteer at this event. Volunteers should expect to arrive at 7:30 AM on Saturday morning and should be dismissed no later than noon. All volunteers will receive instructions on their volunteer positions, which includes everything from working the registration and coffee table to helping set and re-set eggs to assisting kids as they hunt for eggs. Please register here to serve as a volunteer. Easter egg hunts are a great way to show our neighborhood that we care about their families, and make it easy to meet new parents who might be looking for a church to visit the next morning on Easter Sunday. We suggest that Karis families split responsibilities for the morning, with one parent volunteering during the event while the other parent helps their own children during the egg hunt. We ask that all volunteers be signed up by Thursday, March 29th, so register to serve ASAP!



Once again, Karis Church will be serving alongside the local organization ForColumbia. On April 28th, 50+ Christian churches will complete various service projects around our city, and there are jobs that volunteers of any age or ability level can do. The ForColumbia event doesn't just impact our community in a practical way - it also gives our city a glimpse of the unified Bride of Christ serving together as one despite our many denominational/theological differences. ForColumbia has a significant and positive impact on our town every year, and we hope you'll join us and sign up to serve! Please check out their website to sign up, but don't delay! Registration will end soon. 

Karis Church, will you help us serve our community at both of these events as we seek to be in the city, and for the city?

As always, any questions about events and serving can be sent to