Karis Summer Reading: Praying Together

During the summer months, the Karis Church elders encourage the church to read through one book together. This serves to bring us all together as we learn more about a specific topic.

This year, they have chosen Praying Together: The Priority and Privilege of Prayer in our Homes, Communities and Churches by Megan Hill. 

As Megan says in the introduction, "...this book is a call to each one of us to consider the praying together we have done and are doing and hope to do: the childhood dinner-time prayers, the youth-group prayer vigils, the spontaneous prayer in dorms rooms and parking lots and at the back of the church...This book is a call to pray together and to keep praying together with renewed energy."  

We hope you'll join with us this summer as we read through Praying Together. We have copies available on Sunday mornings for the discounted price of $5. 

If you prefer a Kindle edition or don't live near by, you can get your book here. If you purchase a copy through Amazon Smile a percentage of your purchase is donated back to the church.

Grab a book and get a friend to read with you. Let's read together and pray together this summer.