Karis Church

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Race & Reconciliation: A Gospel Issue

In Karis Church, we believe the matter of race or ethnicity is not just a social issue or a political issue in our country. We think it's a gospel issue. That's because the vision for Christ's bride, the church, that we see in Scripture, is one of a massive group of people made up of every tribe, tongue, and nation who worship their Lord and Savior alongside one another in love. That's how things are going to end, or rather begin. Therefore, we believe we must more and more see that vision realized here and now. 

This past summer, at our annual Acts 29 Pastors' Retreat, I had the opportunity to take in this panel discussion between a group of African-American pastors in our network. It was extremely challenging and moving. Over the next few weeks, we'll release the videos from that panel. I hope you'll take the time to view or listen to them and have your heart stirred.  

In addition, we'll be hosting a special time of prayer for racial reconciliation on Sunday, February 26th at 6 p.m. at our Karis Westside facility (1703 W. Worley). Come pray with us, that the Lord might increasingly usher in that coming unity right here and right now.