Contribute to the Mission This Season

As you know, the year will be 2018 before we know it. It’s a perfect time to end your year with a tax collectible gift to your church family, Karis Church. You can help us keep on mission now. You can also help us as we prayerfully plan for around the corner.


First, it can help us meet (and even exceed) our budget if you give to our General Fund. Could you help us meet that goal so we can be on pace to do all we believe God wants us to do in this fiscal year? You can make a donation on GivingFire by selecting "Columbia General Fund" from the drop-down menu. 

Second, you could give something above and beyond to our Opportunity Fund. One thing that we’ve made very clear over the past year is our need to look around the corner. We’re quickly running out of room at our Westside location. We’d love to find a long-term location that can meet our needs for growth.

In addition, we’ve never been quiet in the past ten years about our deep desire to be downtown, in Columbia’s “District.” That’s where we began. It’s where we hope to finish. We’d love to be back in our city’s center, worshipping weekly, engaging arts and culture, meeting our city’s needs, and answering her questions there. If you would like to support our Gathering Space search directly, you can make a donation on GivingFire by selecting "Columbia Opportunity Fund" from the drop-down menu. 


Believe it or not, we’ve recently seen some fascinating facility possibilities there. However, they would require some significant upfront investment. Would you consider giving toward that opportunity fund, so we can be ready when opportunity strikes? Our need for space is growing. Doors seem to be opening. Would you prayerfully help?