Resources from Sunday's sermon on Cheerful Sacrifice


This past Sunday, Billy Glosson preached from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, on how we are called to honor God by our giving. You can listen to it here

In the sermon, Billy referred to two charts from Jamie Munson's book, Money: God or Gift. The first contrasts gratitude against greed. The second looks at three giving principles: giving cheerfully, giving sacrificially, and giving regularly, and what it looks like if they are present or absent from your life. Here they are for you to review again.

As Billy challenged us, let's not give occasionally, out of guilt and compulsion. Let's repent of our defensive hearts and give in such a way that brings honor to God. When we give we are communicating that we as a church share in the work together, both in Columbia and across the world. When we give, we are saying that we want to see the Gospel spread.

May your heart be stirred and compelled toward generosity, because you have been shown far more generosity than you can ever imagine.