Karis Church

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MC Discussion Guide: Called to Turn Our World Upside Down (Acts 17:1-9)

I’m starting to put together discussion guides for our Missional Communities for our new series through Acts. Here is the first, both below and downloadable here as a PDF.

Big Idea: We are sent together with power for boldness to preach and suffer that the nations might be saved.

- In Sunday’s sermon, Kevin argued that the modern American church doesn’t look too much like the book of Acts. Do you agree? Do we live out the calling expressed in the “big idea” above? Why or why not

- Read Acts 17:1-9. What are the Christians accused of being and doing? Would anyone say that of us? What would our church and city look like if that were the case?

- The early Christians were used by the Spirit to do some amazing things in Acts. Do we really believe all of it’s true and all of it’s possible? Do we live like we do? If we don’t, how can we change? What can be done about it?

- Kevin said that our big vision will only take place in the future if we take small steps in the present. He gave two challenges, two steps listed below, to take weekly during this series. What main challenges will you face in putting these into action? How can others pray for you during this time? Who are neighbors and friends you can begin to pray for together? One hour of prayer in community. One meal with a neighbor for mission.